Sunday, November 22, 2009

Best. Husband. Ever.

So, yesterday, I wanted to go see the Pioneer Woman at the Mall of America, where she was signing her cookbook. However, I had something else that I had to do, and was very upset that I missed it. :( I got home from my other engagement to find a cute pink Hello Kitty gift bag on my chair. I opened it up, and not only was the cookbook in there, but Brian had stood in line for FIVE HOURS waiting to get it signed! AND, there was a really cute t-shirt that came with! I'll have pictures at a later time, as right now I'm making PW's meatloaf (OMG, it's wrapped in BACON!!!).


  1. That's so awesome. I was trying to convince John we needed to drive down there for the signing. Then he mentioned something about a family wedding we needed to attend.

    Your husband rocks!

  2. Yea, he def. gets a Best Husband Award. That is true love there! ~ L
